"Time Together" - Playgroups for Parents and Toddlers!

Time Together playgroups provides fun and enriching quality tine for toddlers and their significant adults (parents, grandparents, nannies…)

The sessions incorporate games, crafts, music, stories and movement and include both free playtime and structured activities.

Time Together playgroups operate almost every morning (on some days, in the afternoon as well) and you can come as often as you like!

Please note: The sessions take place according to different age groups: for infants up to one year of age and for toddlers from one year to three years of age.

Why Participate?


To keep the playgroups small, register ahead of time to participate: enter our weekly hours system and book a space!

“Time Together”
Tirat Carmel Residents
One time entry for an adult + child
Five Sessions Punch Card for an adult + child
Ten Sessions Punch Card for an adult + child
Five Sessions Punch Card for an adult + 2 siblings
Ten Sessions Punch Card for an adult + 2 siblings

Pay onsite on the day of the playgroup.

 Cancellation Policy: Notice of cancellation must be made at least 12 hours in advance.

שלוחה ראשית: מבנה חצב – רח’ חצב 1 טירת כרמל | מבנה אלמוג – רח’ אלמוג 3 טירת כרמל  | מעון קשת – רח’ בן צבי 24 א טירת כרמל 
טל: 8575216 -04 /04-9539001   פקס: 8570776 – 04 merkazhapaot@gmail.com

כל הזכויות שמורות למרכז לפעו”ט 2021

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