Loose Parts Center

The Loose Parts Center is a space where early childhood educators can collect materials and ideas on how to use them, create and learn about playfulness and innovation in early childhood education.

It aims to spark educators with creativity that will trickle down to the children in their daycare centers and kindergartens.

The Center is an inviting space that attracts visitors to touch, experiment, play and create. It is updated frequently to offer constant flow of experiences and ideas.


  • Expand the range of experiences that children are exposed to in their educational frameworks, encourage and enable learning through play, exploration and open-ended creation.
  • Spark creativity and passion in early childhood educators and instill them with curiosity and respect to the world of children.
  • Encourage sustainability and reuse: Develop educators’ awareness of the impact of consumer culture on the environment, and offer an attractive alternative through the use of production surpluses.
לדעת בחומר 2022
לדעת בחומר ב

The space includes two rooms and a foyer

  • Materials “market”: Open ended materials (or “loose parts”) are materials that do not come with a specific purpose, but open up many different possibilities for experiences and interactions. They include - among other things - remnants of production from factories and materials from nature - each bringing a unique quality to the children's learning experience. The “market” will offer an ever changing collection of materials - organized in an inviting way - that visitors can take for the use in their classrooms.
  • Workshop: A workspace and a variety of tools will allow educators to experiment with the materials they want to bring to their classrooms, get their hands dirty and experience for themselves the joy of creating with open ended material. It will also allow us to offer workshops to educators on a variety of topics.
  • Interactive exhibits: The foyer to the workshop and “market” will feature a changing and inspiring display of exhibits.
שלוחה ראשית: מבנה חצב – רח’ חצב 1 טירת כרמל | מבנה אלמוג – רח’ אלמוג 3 טירת כרמל  | מעון קשת – רח’ בן צבי 24 א טירת כרמל 
טל: 8575216 -04 /04-9539001   פקס: 8570776 – 04 merkazhapaot@gmail.com

כל הזכויות שמורות למרכז לפעו”ט 2021

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