THCA (Therapeutic Healthcare of Children with Autism) is a comprehensive set of treatments given to children on the autistic spectrum, under the supervision of the Ministry of Health. Every child participating in the program receives 14 weekly hours of a vast array of treatments: physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, psychological therapies and parental guidance.
In Tirat Carmel THCA is operated by Hapaot Center in close cooperation with the staff of the Local Regional Support Center of Hof Carmel, social services, the Educational Psychological Service of Tirat Carmel and the educational staff in the special education perschools.
In order to enable parents to be significantly involved in their children’s treatments, we developed a unique model for operating the THCA program, that combines treatments provided in the mornings inside the children’s preschools, with treatments that occur in the afternoon where children attend together with their parents.