Early Detection of Developmental Delays

Studies show that the earlier developmental delays are found and treated, the more effective the treatment. This is why we invest every effort in locating children with developmental delays as early as possible.

Detection in Tipat Chalav (Mother and Child Health Care Services)

An occupational therapist, on behalf of Hapaot Center, comes weekly to Tirat Carmel’s Tipat Chalav locations, with the aim of identifying children with developmental delays and to refer parents to the necessary treatment. The occupational therapist also provides parents with educational information and guidance as well as with answers to their initial questions.

If you are concerned that your baby may be developing a delay, or if you are interested in learning about some simple steps that you can take to support your child’s development, contact your local Tipat Chalav nurse to schedule an appointment. The service is provided to children free of charge, as part of a collaboration between Hapaot Center, Tipat Chalav and the Department of Social Services.

Detection in Daycare Centers

Every year, a multidisciplinary team of occupational therapists, physiotherapists and speech therapists visit each of the supervised daycare centers in Tirat Carmel to evaluate children’s development in the following areas: language, fine and gross motor skills, perception, attention and concentration, coping with frustrations, meeting boundaries and more. Children who show signs of developmental delays are referred to receive a diagnosis through the Child Development Unit for further treatment. The staff works in full cooperation with the daycare center staff and caregivers and provide guidance and accompaniment when contacting the parents.

You can schedule a visit with our specialists to your child’s daycare center!

    שלוחה ראשית: מבנה חצב – רח’ חצב 1 טירת כרמל | מבנה אלמוג – רח’ אלמוג 3 טירת כרמל  | מעון קשת – רח’ בן צבי 24 א טירת כרמל 
    טל: 8575216 -04 /04-9539001   פקס: 8570776 – 04 merkazhapaot@gmail.com

    כל הזכויות שמורות למרכז לפעו”ט 2021

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