“Nitzanim” – Enrichment Programs for First and Second Grade

"Around the World" Program for Strengthening Learning Skills

In the “Around the World” program, we use our imagination to travel around the world with a small group of first graders who are in need of extra support in honing their individual learning skills. The journey is led by an occupational therapist, and the class’s lead teacher always joins the ride.

Each week the group “travels” to another country, and students partake in an activity through which they practice and improve essential skills necessary to succeed in school: understanding instructions, working according to steps, planning and organizing, fine motor skills, writing skills and more.

A key advantage of this unique program is that it also exposes the class leas teacher to experience-based learning methods and provides her with the tools to then adapt the activities and apply them with the rest of the class.

This year, the “World Journey” program is being operated at the “Zevulun” school in Tirat Carmel in three separate first grade classes.

The "Safe Circle" Program- Positive Communication Development

Studies show that when the emotional and social climate in the classroom is good, the achievements and quality of life of the students also improves. The “Safe Circle” program is designed to meet this need and teach children nonviolent and empathetic ways to communicate with each other.

The program is based on “Imago”, a method of couples’ therapy that offers a built-in model for dialogue that encourages active listening, empathy and emotional expression. We adapted this model to children of the younger classes, and we have been teaching it in Tirat Carmel schools for over a decade.

Each session explores a social-emotional issue (such as anger, fear, empathy…) through experiential tools of art, play, story, guided meditations and the “Imago” dialogue tools. Children share conflicts from everyday life and learn to resolve them non-violently.

The class lead teacher also learns the principles of the dialogue tool and can then use it to better the communication with the children throughout the week.

שלוחה ראשית: מבנה חצב – רח’ חצב 1 טירת כרמל | מבנה אלמוג – רח’ אלמוג 3 טירת כרמל  | מעון קשת – רח’ בן צבי 24 א טירת כרמל 
טל: 8575216 -04 /04-9539001   פקס: 8570776 – 04 merkazhapaot@gmail.com

כל הזכויות שמורות למרכז לפעו”ט 2021

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