The Hanutaf is a secondhand non-profit store for young children

This is an educational and environmental project that enables families on any budget purchase quality toys for their children, while also promoting reuse and sustainability!

We sell lightly used toys, board games, books, costumes and baby equipment.

The store is maned by Batsheva Salman – an experienced and certified preschool teacher – who uses her knowledge in early childhood education to help customers choose games and books to promote their children’s development, and encourages parents to interact with their children around play.

Opening Hours and Address

The store is open on Mondays from 16:00 to 18:30 at our main location 1st Hatsav St. Tirat Carmel

We Collect

children's books
stuffed animals
board games
baby carriers
diaper bags

We Don't Accept

adult books
large equipment
(stollers, safty seats...) anything that is not in mint condition

Our Circle of Giving:

Local schools and businesses organize toy and book drives for the store

(a great way to teach children about the importance of giving and protecting the environment!)

Students with special needs from the Leo Baeck Education Center run quality tests for all donations: making sure the toys are clean and have all their parts

(meanwhile, practicing employment skills)

Our volunteers arrange products beautifully on the shelves

( The store's cute boutique vibe is part of our agenda that buying secondhand does not mean compromising in quality or style)

Costumers buy books and toys in great condition, help preserve the environment and teach their children sustainability!

רוצים לשמור לשמוע איזה משחקים הגיעו ומה במבצע? הצטרפו לקבוצת הווטסאפ השקטה שלנו
או עקבו אחרינו בפייסבוק

שלוחה ראשית: מבנה חצב – רח’ חצב 1 טירת כרמל | מבנה אלמוג – רח’ אלמוג 3 טירת כרמל  | מעון קשת – רח’ בן צבי 24 א טירת כרמל 
טל: 8575216 -04 /04-9539001   פקס: 8570776 – 04

כל הזכויות שמורות למרכז לפעו”ט 2021

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