About us

Hapaot Center’s Mission is to provide each and every child in Tirat Carmel with optimal conditions to develop and thrive, to minimize the gap of opportunity between low-income children and their peers, and to make a nationwide impact on early childhood services.

Who we are

Hapaot Center has been working to help infants and their parents since 1989, in the city of Tirat Carmel, with the understanding that the early years of a child’s life are crucial to their individual development and wellbeing as well as for the future of the entire community. The center provides a wide array of services to children, parents and early childhood professionals with an emphasis on marginalized communities and at-risk children. Each year about 2000 families receive services through the Center.

After over 35 years of operation, we aim to make a national impact on the field of early childhood and share our work models with other organizations and municipalities seeking to offer quality services to families with young children.

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Years of Operation
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Children Receiving Services Each Year

Our Principles


We work closely with Social Services, schools, health providers and other organizations focusing on early childhood development; This way we enhance our effectiveness, pool our resources, and ensure we provide holistic services.

Partnering with parents

A good parent child relationship is crucial for a child’s development. We therefore support parents in fostering a good relationship with their children, and treat parents as active partners in all the services we provide to their children.

Early intervention

Early intervention allows preventing rather than correcting developmental delays. It reduces the effects of socio-economic barriers and facilitates social mobility. We therefore screen for and treat developmental delays as early as possible and strive to minimize waiting lists.


Professional staff

Trained, professional staff is crucial for the quality of care that children receive. All our staff members receive ongoing training in their respective professions.


All our services are evaluated to ensure their effectiveness.


We aspire to develop innovative projects and models in response to the changing needs of the community. We share our successfully developed models with other organizations, in order to broaden our impact.

Our Team

Dr. Anat Bar

Founder & President of the Board

Michal Alef

Executive Director

Sharon Shafir

Director - Department of Development

Michal Eisenberg

Director of Parent Support

Tamar Ya'eli Adam

Director - "Nitzanim" Program

Tami Danino

Director of Administration

Mika Ribak Shevchenko

Director of Resource Development

Tamar Krigel Melamed

Director of Early Childhood Center

Miri Hayun Dag

Director - Treatment Center

Noa Nevo

Director - Early Intervention

Sharon Milis

Director - Services for Children on the Spectrum

Michal Vaknin

Director - At Risk Children

Our Partners

שלוחה ראשית: מבנה חצב – רח’ חצב 1 טירת כרמל | מבנה אלמוג – רח’ אלמוג 3 טירת כרמל  | מעון קשת – רח’ בן צבי 24 א טירת כרמל 
טל: 8575216 -04 /04-9539001   פקס: 8570776 – 04 merkazhapaot@gmail.com

כל הזכויות שמורות למרכז לפעו”ט 2021

Dr. Anat Bar

Founder and board director

founder and chair of the Israeli Forum of Child Developmental Units; Serves as the Israeli delegate for the World Forum Foundation on Early Childhood.  She has taught a variety of courses in the field of early childhood both at Tel Aviv University and at Haifa University; she has a PhD in Educational Leadership and Organizational Learning.

Michal Alef

Ececutive Director

Michal has an MA in political science from Hebrew University, and has been working as a program director in social and community-based organizations for over 10 years.

Sharon Shafir

Director of our Developmental Treatments Department

Sharon has an MA in occupational Therapy, teaches and trains professionals and parents, and runs a private clinic.

Michal Eisenberg

Director of our Parent Support Department

Michal has a BAc in occupational therapy and is a trained group facilitator. She has worked with parents – individually and in groups – for more than 20 years, teaches and trains other parent support professionals, and works as an occupational therapist at a private clinic in Haifa. 

Tamar Ya'eli Adam

Director of our "Nitzanim" program

Tamar has a BA in occupational therapy, she facilitates groups of parents and children, trains other facilitators and works with new mothers and babies. She works as a developmental occupational therapist at a private clinic.

Tami Danino

Director of Administration

Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Counseling, Human Development, and Human Services from the University of Haifa. In recent years, she has been working in the fields of Human Resources and Employee Well-being.

Mika Ribak Shevchenko

Director of Resource Development

Mika has a MA in sociology and anthropology of social change organizations from the Tel Aviv University, and has trained in resource development and social media.

Michal Alef

Director of organizational development and parents-municipality coordination

She has an MA in political science from Hebrew University, and has been working as a program director in social and community-based organizations for over 10 years.

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